CommuniGate Pro
Version 6.1

WebMail: Mailboxes

The CommuniGate Pro WebUser Interface provides access to user Mailboxes or "folders". You can display the list of Mailboxes in your Account, create new Mailboxes, rename and remove Mailboxes, open and view Mailbox, search Mailboxes for certain data, etc.

Mailboxes can be of a regular type - they contain E-mail messages. INBOX is a regular type Mailbox that contains all messages received by your Account.

You can also create Contacts-type (AddressBook-type) Mailboxes (folders), Notes-type Mailboxes, and (if the Calendaring Service is enabled for your Account) the Calendar-type and Tasks-type Mailboxes.

Access to Mailboxes

Click the Folders link to open the Mailboxes page. This page displays your Mailboxes, and it allows you to open an existing Mailbox or to create a new one:

Folders used 238K of 3M
Filter:  3 selected 
  Folder Size Messages New Unread
INBOX  20K  5  2  3
Friends  200K  56  4  4
Friends/Family  18K  3    
 175K in Trash

To open a Mailbox, click on its name.

Some Mailboxes are "unselectable" and their names are not URL links.

You can open the Settings page and specify which Mailboxes should be displayed in the Mailboxes page:

Settings: Folders
General Password Folders Compose Calendar Contacts Secure Mail Public Info
Folder List Viewer All Account Folders
All Subscribed Folders
Display All Account Mailboxes
If this option is selected, all Mailboxes and Mailbox aliases created in your Account are listed.
Display Subscribed Mailboxes
If this option is selected, the Mailboxes page lists all Mailboxes your Account is subscribed to (including foreign Mailboxes).
If this option is selected, the newly created Mailboxes will be automatically added to the subscription list.

To create a Mailbox, select the Mailbox type (regular Mailbox, AddressBook, Calendar, etc.) and type in the new Mailbox name, then click the Create button.

Mailbox Browsing

You can browse a Mailbox by clicking its name (link) on the Mailboxes page. A Mailbox page displays the messages stored in the Mailbox, it provides checkboxes to select messages, and the controls for performing operations on the selected messages:

INBOX 23 of 1238 unread
  Filter:  Search:  1 selected
  Status From Subject Size Received
TestList administrationWelcome!87125-Nov-06
UnreadTechnical SupportFwd: [*] CommuniGate Pro 5.1.3 released4K25-Nov-06
Technical SupportTEST - text & 2 gifs11K25-Nov-06
Technical SupportFwd: TEST - text & 2 gifs13K25-Nov-06 subject)5K25-Nov-06
Technical SupportFWD:(no subject)5K25-Nov-06
Technical SupportFwd: HTML letter (alternative) (no subj6K25-Nov-06
John R. SmithRe: Weird Problems201503-Dec-06
Douglas M.bad log file from our server8K11-Dec-06
James Greendesign suggestion3K23-Dec-06
Adam DrakeTransmission problems between SIMS and 4K05-Jan-07

For each message in the Mailbox, several message header fields are displayed. Messages are sorted by the highlighted field. Click the field name to highlight a different field and to change the sorting order.

A message can be opened using a link in the first or highlighted column.

This button tells the WebUser module to display not more than the specified number of the Mailbox messages. If the Filter field is not empty, only the messages with the highlighted field containing the filter string are displayed. If the Search field is not empty, only the messages containing the search string are displayed.
The Set button can be used to mark the selected messages as "read", the Clear button can be used to mark the selected messages as "unread".
The Set button can be used to mark the selected messages with a flag, the Clear button can be used to remove the flag marker from the selected messages.
Copy To
This button can be used to copy the selected messages into the specified Mailbox.
Move To
This button can be used to copy the selected messages into the specified Mailbox; the original message is deleted or it is marked as deleted (if the WebUser Interface Delete Mode is set to Marked).
Redirect To, Forward To
This button can be used to redirect or forward the selected messages to the specified addresses. The address field below the buttons should contain one or several addresses separated with the comma signs.
The To/Cc fields of the selected messages are replaced with the specified address(es), unless you prefix the address list with the [bcc] string.
Mailbox Management
This link is used to open the Mailbox Management page.

The following buttons appear if the WebUser Interface Delete Mode is set to Mark:

The Set button is used to mark the selected messages as "deleted", the Clear button can be used to clear the "deleted" markers.
Purge Deleted
This button is used to remove the messages marked as "deleted" from the Mailbox.

If the the WebUser Interface Delete Mode is set to Via Trash or Immediately, the following button appears:

Click this button to move the selected message(s) to the Trash Mailbox (the Via Trash Delete Mode) or to mark all selected messages as "deleted" and remove all marked messages immediately (the Immediately Delete Mode).

You can open the Settings page and specify how Mailboxes should be displayed:

Folder Viewer
Display: Refresh Every:
Fields: Reverse
This option specifies how many messages should be displayed on one Mailbox page. If a Mailbox has more messages than this option specifies, arrow links appear to allow you to "page" the entire Mailbox.
Refresh Every
This option specifies how often the Mailbox pages should be automatically updated.
This set of options specifies the message fields to be displayed in the Mailbox pages. Select an empty option and click the Update button to remove a field.
Note: the From field column displays the To field data when you open Mailboxes assigned to keep your Sent or Draft messages, or their sub-mailboxes.
This set of radio buttons allows you to select the field for initial (default) Mailbox sorting.
This option specifies the initial (default) Mailbox sorting order.

The WebUser Interface Settings page also allows you to specify the Delete Mode:

Trash Management
Message Delete Method:
Move To Trash
The delete operation moves the selected message(s) to the Trash Mailbox. This option available for multi-mailbox Accounts only. If the Trash Mailbox does not exist, the first delete operation creates it.
The delete operation marks the selected message(s) as "deleted". The marked messages can be removed using the Purge Deleted operation.
The delete operation marks the selected message(s) as "deleted" and then immediately deletes all marked messages from the Mailbox.

When you click a Calendar-type Mailbox name, the Calendar View page is opened.

When you click a Tasks-type Mailbox name, the Task List View page is opened.

When you click a AddressBook-type Mailbox name, the Contacts List View page is opened.

When you click a Note-type Mailbox name, the Notes List View page is opened.

Mailbox Management

The Mailbox Management page allows you to set the ACL (Access Control List) settings for the selected Mailbox, to rename, and to remove the Mailbox.

To rename a Mailbox, type the new Mailbox name into the New Folder Name field and click the Rename Folder button. If the Rename Sub-Folders option is selected, all submailboxes of this Mailbox will be renamed, too. If you are renaming the Mailbox Sent into Sent in 2000, and you also have the Sent/customers submailbox, that submailbox is renamed into Sent in 2000/customers if the Rename Sub-Folders option is selected.

Note: If you rename your INBOX, the new empty INBOX is automatically created.

To remove a Mailbox, click the Remove Folder button. If the Remove Sub-Folders option is selected, all submailboxes of this Mailbox will be removed, too. If you are removing the Mailbox Sent, and you also have the Sent/customers submailbox, that submailbox is removed, too - if the Remove Sub-Folders option is selected.

Note: You cannot remove your INBOX.

To grant Mailbox access rights to a user, enter the user name into the Identifier field, select the desired access rights, and click the Update button. To grant an access right to everybody, use the word anyone. To remove certain rights from a particular user, "grant" those rights to the identifier -username. See the Mailboxes section for more details.

INBOX: Folder Management
Access Control List
Identifier LookupSelectSeen FlagsInsertPost CreateDeleteAdmin
Visible to Mobile Devices
Visible to Mobile Devices
If this option is not selected, AirSync devices will not see this Mailbox. You may want to disable this option, if your mobile devices cannot handle all of your Mailboxes.

If you select the Apply to Sub-Folders option, then the selected Access Control List and the Visible to Mobile Devices option will be assigned not only to the current Mailbox, but to all its sub-mailboxes.

Mailbox Subscription Management

The Mailboxes Settings page allows you to set the Mailbox Subscription - the list of your own and foreign Mailboxes you want to use.

You can open the Mailboxes Settings page using the link on the Settings page:

Folder Subscription

Type a Mailbox name into an empty field and click the Update button to add a Mailbox to the subscription list.

To specify a Foreign Mailbox, type the Tilda sign (~), the user name, the slash sign (/) and then the Mailbox name. Make sure that user has already granted you the Select access right for that Mailbox.

Mailbox Aliases Management

The Mailboxes Settings page allows you to set the Mailbox Aliases - the list of simple names for foreign Mailboxes. You should use Mailbox aliases if you want to access foreign Mailboxes via IMAP clients that do not support the foreign Mailboxes concept.
It is not recommended to use Mailbox aliases with more advanced IMAP clients or with the WebUser Interface itself, since they add unnecessary complexity to Mailbox management.

Folder Aliases
Alias Name Folder Name

Type a simple Mailbox name into an empty field in the left column, type the name of a foreign Mailbox into the right column field, and click the Update button to create a Mailbox alias.

Your mail client software will list the created Mailbox aliases as well as the real Mailboxes created in your Account. You can open a Mailbox alias as you open a real Mailbox, and the specified foreign Mailbox will be opened.

Change the Mailbox alias name to an empty string and click the Update button to remove the Mailbox alias.

Access to Mailboxes by Name

You may want to open a foreign Mailbox without including it into your subscription list and without creating a Mailbox alias.

Open the Mailboxes Settings page and type the Mailbox name in the Open Mailbox panel and click the Open button:

Open Folder

CommuniGate® Pro Guide. Copyright © 1998-2018, Stalker Software, Inc.